In order to understand how we can help you with Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD), it is important to know what the Temporal Mandibular Joint is, and the common symptoms of the TMD.
The Temporomandibular Joints (TMJs) connect the lower jaw to your skull. They are located below your ears and facilitate movement of your jaw. Excessive chewing, stress, grinding of your teeth, clenching of your jaw, cervical spine misalignment, injury, tissue diseases affecting the TMJ, arthritic changes, scar tissue, and opening of your mouth for long periods of time can cause the jaw to not work correctly a/k/a Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD).
Common symptoms of TMD include:
- Facial Pain
- Locking of the jaw
- Earaches/fullness in the ear
- Neck Pain
- Headaches/Migraines
- Popping and clicking sounds while chewing
- Pain while chewing
- Limited Range of Motion while moving your jaw
- (Trigeminal nerve)
If you are experiencing TMD, consider allowing our Health Team of Lynch Chiropractic and Chronic Pain Solutions to help you with our comprehensive, proven approach to treatment which may include:
- Returning the TMJ back to it’s normal position with light force using a corrective instrument;
- Atlas Orthogonal Instrument Adjusting is an advanced, scientific instrument program that adjusts or moves the top vertebra (bone) back level under the base of the skull and helps straighten out the rest of the spine. Numerous studies show that AO is a safe and effective treatment.
- Neck and Spine Instrument Adjusting are done with a hand-held instrument and without any twisting or thrusting motions. These chiropractic adjustments reduce pain and discomfort, reduce inflammation, improve your flexibility, increase your range of motion, restore joint motion, improve your nervous system and prevent early on-set of Osteoarthritis.
- Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) reduces inflammation, free radical production, and oxidative stress. LLLT also improves blood flow, enhances tissue repair and improves cellular energy production.
- Rapid Release Therapy to release scar tissue adhesions.
- Cranial Adjustments to reduce intracranial compression.
If you have Temporal Mandibular Dysfunction and are having problems with your jaw, call (434) 245-8456 or send us an email. Together we can discover the cause of your TMD and what would be the most effective approach for addressing your TMD.