Charlottesville Chiropractic Services without Twisting or Popping along with Brain Health and Neuroprotective Programs You Can Trust
We believe in the body’s natural ability to heal and regulate itself. Our role is to facilitate the body’s natural healing process by providing support for your body to work more efficiently. Our commitment is to help our patients restore and maintain optimal health with natural, non-toxic methods. We help you understand the cause of illness and body imbalances, and to teach you methods of self-care so you can remain healthy.
Stay active, healthy and independent with a better brain, improved gut health, and by supporting your body’s structure.
Get out of pain, stay healthy, and improve your athletic performance with our structural program. Dr. Lynch’s adjusting instrument gently glides up your spine restoring spinal curvatures, stopping degeneration, and correcting disc misalignments without twisting or cracking.
Dr. Lynch helps people with “tough cases” who need chronic care. If you’ve been to doctor after doctor, tried medications, surgery, therapy, diets and still have your pain, don’t give up. Call us at (434) 245-8456 or email us at for your free consultation. We may have your health solution.
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